Elmers, M., Inoue, K., Lala, D., Ochi, K., and Kawahara, T. 2024. Analysis and Detection of Differences in Spoken User Behaviors between Autonomous and Wizard-of-Oz Systems. Proc. 27th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA (O-COCOSDA ’24), Hsinchu, Oct 17-19. PDF .bib Poster Code
Elmers, M.. 2023. Evaluating pause particles and their functions in natural and synthesized speech in laboratory and lecture settings. PhD thesis, Saarland University. PDF .bib DOI
Elmers, M. and Székely, É. 2023. The impact of pause-internal phonetic particles on recall in synthesized lectures. Proc. 12th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW ’23), Grenoble, Aug 26-28, pp. 204-210. PDF .bib Poster Code Demo
Elmers, M., O’Mahony, J., and Székely, É. 2023. Synthesis after a couple PINTs: Investigating the role of pause-internal phonetic particles in speech synthesis and perception. Proc. Interspeech 2023, Dublin, Aug 20-24, pp. 4843-4847. PDF .bib Poster Code Demo
Elmers, M. 2023. Pause particles influencing recollection in lectures. Proc. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS ’23), Prague, August 7-11, pp. 37-41. PDF .bib Poster Code
Elmers, M. and Trouvain, J. 2022. Pause-internal particles in university lectures. Poster presentation, 18th Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P ’22), Bielefeld, October 06-07. Abstract Poster Code
Elmers, M. 2022. Comparing detection methods for pause-internal particles. Proc. 33rd Conference Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV ’22), Sonderborg, March 2-4, pp. 204-211. PDF .bib Slides
Elmers, M. 2021. Corpus generation for research in pause-internal phonetic particles. Oral presentation, 17th Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P ’21), Frankfurt, September 29-30. Abstract Slides
Muhlack, B., Elmers, M., Drenhaus, H., Trouvain, J., Van Os, M., Werner, R., Ryzhova, M., and Möbius, B. 2021. Revisiting recall effects of filler particles in German and English. Proc. Interspeech 2021, Aug 30 - Sept 03, pp. 3979-3983. PDF .bib Stimuli
Elmers, M., Werner, R., Muhlack, B., Möbius, B., and Trouvain, J. 2021. Take a breath: Respiratory sounds improve recollection in synthetic speech. Proc. Interspeech 2021, Brno, Aug 30 - Sept 03, 3196-3200. PDF .bib Stimuli
Elmers, M., Werner, R., Muhlack, B., Möbius, B., and Trouvain, J. 2021. Evaluating the effect of pauses on number recollection in synthesized speech. Proc. 32nd Conference Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV ’21), Berlin, March 3-5, pp. 289-295. PDF .bib Slides
Elmers, M., Muhlack, B., Werner, R., Trouvain, J., and Möbius, B. 2020. Pause-internal phonetic particles in speech communication. Poster presentation, 16th Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P ’20), Trier, September 10-11. Abstract Poster